Our Mission

Keystone Progress agitates, empowers, and inspires citizens in their communities to unite around progressive policies and values, and to hold those in power accountable.


Our Goals

  1. Reestablish KP as a bold, respected, trusted education source on key progressive issues and policies.

  2. Educate and empower people to get out the vote for progressive candidates at all levels.

  3. Galvanize constituents to actively support progressive policies and encourage their elected officials to push these policies forward.  


Staff and Board


Executive Director
Laura Nevitt

Communications/Development Director
Rebecca Susman

Disability Program Director
Mallory Hudson

Digital Communications Coordinator
Nicole Roach

Board Chair
Kelley Clouser

Board Treasurer

Board Secretary
Paige Bingham

Board Members
Ritchie Tabachnick
Tom Herman
Amanda Green-Hawkins